
Showing posts from November, 2021

This Week in RG

This week we have been learning how to sew with a needle. We sewed the veins on a leaf and we had to concentrate very hard. This week in PE we were balancing a bean bag on a bat. Then we had to throw it up in the air and catch it.  It was tricky by we all managed to do it very well.   We were looking very closely at our pumpkins on our Curiosity Table. We guessed what colour the inside of the white pumpkin would be and then we opened it to find out. It was pale yellow! Not what we were expecting!

This Week in RG

It is Anti-Bullying Week at school so we made a 'Be Kind' poster for our poster competition.  We talked about all the kind things we do to be a good friend and then we drew our pictures. This week in PE we have been practising  our ball skills.  We practised dribbling the ball and keeping it close to us. Mr Thompson told us we never touch the ball with our hands in football.  We played a game where we touched the ball with different parts of our body, except our hands!  It was lots of fun and we had to really concentrate.   On Friday we dressed in non-school uniform for Children in Need.  We enjoyed colouring in Pudsey Bears and making Pudsey Bear masks and puppets.

This Week in RG

On Monday we shared our news and many of us had been to see a fireworks display. We made our own firework picture using marbles. The marbles mixed the colours together and we enjoyed watching new colours being created.  We have been learning the Divali story of Rama and Sita.  We enjoyed dressing  up and acting out the story.  We all wanted to be Ravana the 10 headed king! We made diva lamps and decorated them with our finger prints. We also sequenced the pictures in the story on a big story map. We helped each other to do this. We read the story 'The Ugly Five' by Julia Donaldson and we talked about us all being special and unique. We then took it in turns to look inside Mrs Grelak's special box.  We knew there was something very  special inside but we didn't know what it was until we looked.   Inside the box was a mirror so we were looking at ourselves.   It was a lovely surprise!  

This Week in RG

 It was wonderful to be back together again after the  holidays and we have had a very busy week in RG. We had lots of fun celebrating Divali on Thursday.  We made Divali cards, rangoli patterns and paper chains.   In the afternoon we had a Divali party in the hall. We tasted some Indian food and Mr Jones joined us for the party! Then we dressed up in Indian costume and danced to some Indian music. On Friday we had a wonderful time inside the Wonder Dome.  It was like being in space and we learned all about the different planets in our solar system.   This week we  planted a daffodil bulb which we will look after and water until it is time to take home at Christmas time.