
Showing posts from May, 2022

This Week in RG

  Our story of the week was Handa's Surprise and we had fun acting out the story. We planted seeds this week in our vegetable patch. We planted beetroot, lettuce, radish and mixed herbs.    On Thursday we had Pet Day.  We enjoyed bringing in our pets and showing them to our class. The children asked lots of questions about the pets and how to look after them. We met dogs, guinea pigs, fish, a snake, a hamster and a tortoise. On Friday we had a Queen's Jubilee Party Day.  In the morning we played lots of different games on the field including 'pin the tail on the corgi!'  At lunchtime we had a picnic on the field with our families and we watched 3 blossom trees being planted.

This Week in RG

This week is 'walk to school' week and River made a fabulous 'walk to school' poster which we have displayed in our classroom.  Lots of children in our class have been walking, cycling and scootering to school. In Maths we have been learning about 'one more' and we enjoyed playing the hungry monster game. The monster wanted to eat all the numbers 'one more' than ours.  He was very greedy! We went to Forest School this week on a minibeast hunt.  We found lots of minibeasts hiding under logs and stones. This week there was a handwriting competition and we all tried our very best to do our neatest handwriting.  Mr Batts will announce the winners next week.